Michael Rondot

Currently Available Secondary Market (Sold Out) &
Unique Xtra Signature Prints

Please note this list can change at anytime so please call, email or text to confirm availability
Phone +441217846377 email info@avcollect.com text +447967441782

To view a print, please click here to go to our Michael Rondot print list page
and use the print number found of the left hand side to locate your chosen subject


Print Title
002 PHANTOM FAREWELL Signed & numbered print No. 447/450. £120
003 F-104G STARFIGHTER Remarque print No. 449/450 £250
006 TORNADO GR Signed & numbered print £95.00 SOLD
014 JAGUAR WEATHER Remarque print in mint condition. Drawing is artist’s 6 Sqn aircraft, EC. £300
015 GAUNTLET Signed & numbered artist’s proof. £120
016 PATROL’S END Shackleton signed/numbered print in mint condition £120
017 MIRAGE III FIRST AND LAST Signed & numbered artist’s proof. £120
018 HIGH IN THE SUNLIT SILENCE Remarque print signed by Johnnie Johnson and 4 Battle of Britain pilots. £235
019 SHINY II, TORNADO RECON Signed & numbered artist’s proof £75
033 EVERGREEN WESSEX Signed & numbered framed print. £450
034 VICTOR FAREWELL Remarque print signed by Sir George Edwards, Gp Capt Ken Hubbard & MRAF Sir Michael Beetham. £190
037 CONSTANT ENDEAVOUR Remarque, signed by J Cruickshank VC, T Bulloch DSO* DFC* & E Arrighi. £300
042 THE LAST SUNDERLAND Artist’s proof in mint condition. £120
043 CANBERRA TRIBUTE Remarqued Artist’s proof signed by R P Beamont. £180
044 LIGHTNING THUNDER 25 signatures including test pilots R P Beamont, J Dell & J Squier. £125
044 LIGHTNING THUNDER 88 signatures, from the first to the last of the Lightnings. A unique tribute. £400
049 SECOND TO NONE Artist’s proof. 45 signatures including 10 Squadron Commanders. £150
051 LIGHTNING LEGEND Signed by 80 pilots including 3 Saudi Princes. A ‘must have’ for Lightning enthusiasts. £400
053 VALIANT Remarque Valiant/Vulcan AAR. Multi-Signed 214 Sqn crews incl.WWII Stirling DFCs £225 SOLD
054 VULCAN, THE LOVED ONE S/N print + signed MRAF Sir Michael Beetham, Gp Capt Ken Hubbard, F/L B Gardner. £120
055 ROCK AND ROLL Artist’s proof signed by 1st airman at RAF Valley, Stan Charlton, Stn Cdr & AOC £120
057 MARHAM WING OVER SANDRINGHAM 45 signatures incl. all 5 Sqn Cdrs, CAS & 2 Station Commanders. £150
058 BUCCANEER THUNDER Remarque. 9 signatures incl. Robbie Stewart, Jon Ford & Frank Waddington. £225
061 BROKEN SILENCE Seven-signature Remarque signed by the King of Jordan, His Majesty King Abdullah II.To our knowledge this is the only print ever to come on the market with a reigning monarch’s signature. £575 SOLD
062 OPERATION TELIC Remarqued artist’s proof signed by 22 Tornado aircrew and Force Commanders. £275
063 LIGHTNING Remarqued artist’s proof with 80+ pilot signatures from Lightning 50th anniversary. £500
064 54 SQUADRON FAREWELL Framed remarque print signed (80+) by 54 Squadron members incl. Battle of Britain. £275
064 54 SQUADRON FAREWELL S/N print signed by all 54 Squadron Jaguar pilots at disbandment. Last copy. £120

Please note this list can change at anytime so please call, email or text to confirm availability
Phone +441217846377 email info@avcollect.com text +447967441782

E-Mail: info@avcollect.com or call or text now on
Tel: 07967 441 782 (UK)
+ 44 7967441 782 (Int)
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